From time to time in our Update newsletters, we have alerted our subscribers to an invaluable resource for judges, masters, practitioners and insurance claims personnel. It is the “Damages Compendium“, prepared under the auspices of the County of Carleton Law Association. We have had many requests for copies of the Compendium, so we have provided the above link to it.
What is a “damages compendium”? It is a summary of damages assessments made by Ontario courts and organized by subject-matter (neck, back, wrist, brain, etc.) The first version of the compendium was prepared under the direction of then-Justice James Chadwick of the Superior Court. Since his retirement from the bench, Mr. Chadwick has remained involved and an updated version of the compendium, covering cases from January, 1999 to November, 2005 was released last year. (The previous version, covering the period from 1990-1999, can also be obtained by using the above link.)
Both documents (“Compendia”?) are in Adobe Acrobat format, so if you don’t already have this free software on your computer (we’ve encountered the occasional judge who doesn’t!), you can download it here.